Global Values Festival was first presented on the historical stage of the Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater, named after A.V. Lunacharsky. The two-section choreographic program consisted of performances by Russian and international choreographers performed by students of the Boris Eifman Dance Academy, graduates of the Innopraktika School, brilliant dancers from 13 countries, winners of prestigious international awards such as the WorldBalletCompetition, USA InternationalBalletCompetition, GlobalArt, and others. True masters from Brazil, Taiwan, Italy, Hungary and Russia - Shang-Jen Yuan, Davidson Heglin Farias, Julia Roversi, Natalia Kasparova, Oleg Gabyshev, Konstantin Keichel, Vladimir Varnava, Balas Baranyai - choreographed the festival and the educational program. The overall subject of the gala concert was the choice of values in human life and society, between the unifying values that serve as a guide in the rapidly changing flow of life and the false values imposed by the consumer society centered around fleeting pleasures. What is essential in life? How to make the right choice?
The second part of the festival program included a Bolero ballet performed by Sergey Polunin, an internationally renowned dancer, soloist of European and Russian theater companies and rector of the Sevastopol Choreography Academy. The performance's central idea was that only by finding your true inner strength can you approach the greatness of the universe and share this knowledge with the people around you. The immortal music of Maurice Ravel accompanied the ballet.