Choreography Session 2023


Russia, St. Petersburg, Boris Eifman Dance Academy

Russia, St. Petersburg, Alexandrinsky Theatre (main stage)


July 5 - July 25, 2023

July 28 - July 29, 2023

Choreography Laboratory
| Performance Laboratory
About St. Peterburg



The major subject of the School is the value selection between the internal own values and what affects a man from the outside, such as mass media, Internet, and common stereotypes. How does a modern man pass through such value conflict? What contradictory values do people face? What value dilemmas do they solve? How to save global values and avoid instantaneous influences?

Participants had to reflect the struggle inside a modern man between eternal true global principles and aggressively imposed inane temptations of the modern world.


Three weeks filled with an effective program:
Classical Russian ballet lessons - 20 h
Contemporary dance technique - 20 h
Hours of rehearsals - 45 h

For the third time, the Boris Eifman Dance Academy hosted the Choreography Session of the Innopraktika School. Its goal and mission, as before, was cultural exchange. The School received applications for participation in the choreography session from 50 countries, including 17 countries of the African continent. Based on the results of a detailed selection 16 dancers and choreographers from 13 countries were invited for the residency at the Boris Eifman Dance Academy, including six participants from Nigeria, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Uganda and Senegal.

For three weeks of fruitful work, Russian choreographers created unique productions with foreign dancers, while foreign choreographers worked with students of the Dance Academy - they gave master classes in modern and classical Chinese dance, and also created several new choreographic miniatures on a given topic.

The final concert of the Choreography session was held on the stage of the Dance Academy Theatre. Especially for the new performances School organized the creation of author's costumes and necessary stage props, music was written by professional composers, and unique lighting designs were created. A team of professional make-up artists was invited for the performers that day.

In addition, the School organized a rich cultural program: the participants of the session visited the Mariinsky, Mikhailovsky and Alexandrinsky theatres, the State Hermitage Museum, the State Museum-Reserves Tsarskoye Selo and Peterhof, witnessed the traditional drawing of bridges, visited the iconic cathedrals of the city in order to better imbue the culture and life of Russia and St. Petersburg.



The Dance Academy was founded with the initiative of the world-famous choreographer Boris Eifman. This is the state choreographic Academy with an innovative program for the dancers.
Students suitably train in Russian classical ballet, modern and contemporary dance techniques to become the world’s most in-demand artists. The Dance Academy is the only choreographic school in Russia that accepts children from 9 years old. Pupils perform the choreography of various styles and try themselves in the role of novice production authors. The international recognition of the Academy allows students to join the world of ballet trends and achievements.
Representatives of the leading ballet theatres and companies from China, France, Great Britain, the USA, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Israel, Hungary and Finland regularly conduct master classes. The pupils have a unique opportunity to meet prominent world ballet personalities: legendary dancer Ana Laguna, the famous teacher of the Maurice Bejart school Azariy Plisetskiy, and other outstanding representatives of the world of dance. All the graduats recieve the Diploma of the Ballet Artist and enroll the ballet companies of Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg, the Bolshoi Theater, The Saint-Petersburg State Academic Leonid Yacobson Ballet Theatre, the Mariinsky Theater and others.